I AM Combination Essences
There are 27 Combination Essences in the range, with 3 new, exciting and powerful combination essences
Each is an infusion of vibrationally charged spring water. Each has a Specific Purpose providing powerful support; to aid healing, assisting in processing, at whatever level you are at. I use these regularly, personally and during our work and love them. They really assist the healing work and afterwards. HEALERS - Why not consider buying, to use and enhance your own work and specialities? Please contact me if you have questions or for further information. |
I AM Combination Essence Range - See below for more information.
Currently all orders are by email only. All elixirs and essences retail at quoted prices plus postage.
Payment can be made by PayPal or bank transfer. Credit card and online shopping coming soon.
A discount can be applied for bulk ordering.
Please contact me for further information.
Payment can be made by PayPal or bank transfer. Credit card and online shopping coming soon.
A discount can be applied for bulk ordering.
Please contact me for further information.
Directions for Use -
Shake well before use. Put the appropriate number of drops under the tongue, as advised, and swallow.
Shake well before use. Put the appropriate number of drops under the tongue, as advised, and swallow.
New~ Guilt Release
Retail - £15
A combination of crystal essences as well as essences of love and truth, alchemically blended with the I AM Essence Healing Rays 4,7,8 and 9. Description: This powerful combination is for the purpose of processing and releasing feelings of guilt. It brings in the energies of unconditional love and compassion as well as Divine Truth, offering support for you to be able to feel safe to look at this honestly, so that the guilt can be processed and released. It will bring you into allowance to be accountable for what you need to learn from this so that you can prepare to come into forgiveness and receive the wisdom gained from the experiences. To Purchase: Email: [email protected] |
New ~ Anger Release
Retail - £15
I AM Essence Release Anger, (made in Egypt), I AM Essence Amethyst, I AM Essence Rays 4, 7 and 10. Description: This combination of powerful essences is for the purpose of shifting anger, even anger that is hiding. The mind sets up belief systems and defence patterns that hold in our anger. The consequence is that we hold on to it and it either affects our health or we burst out in anger when we are triggered out of the middle of no where. This combination assists in releasing those defence patterns so that we can get in touch with the anger and release it. To Purchase: Email: [email protected] |
New ~ Fear Release
Retail - £15
Vibrations: A combination of powerful I AM Essence crystal essences blended with I AM Essence Healing Ray essences, Rays 4, 7 and 9, and I AM Love . Description: This combination is for the release and integration of any type of fear or anxiety that is being triggered and surfacing in people at this time in humanity. It works on all levels conscious and unconscious. It is what is moving through the collective. To Purchase: Email: [email protected] |
New ~ Grief Release
Retail - £15
I AM Essence Strong heart (made in Egypt), I AM Love, I AM Essence Healing Rays 4,7 and 9. Description: This is a powerful combination get in touch with the part of our true heart of hearts that we can deal with the processing of our grief on any level. This essence is for any type of grief and whatever type of grief is associated with it from your past. It is also for assisting the whole process. To Purchase: Email: [email protected] |
Healing (General)
Retail - £15
Chalice Well Rose, Ray 4 and 7, Shekinah, I AM Healing Purification and Rainbow Crystal Skull, I AM Gold. Description: This is a great combination essence for general healing. It assists in the release of stuck energies and to balance hot and cold energies. It also assists with the release of negative programming and aligning to the Higher Self. To Purchase - Email - [email protected] |
Healing (Emotional)
Retail - £15
Rainbow Crystal Skull, Water Element and I AM Healing Purification, I AM Wisdom, Ray 2. Description: This combination essence will get emotional energies moving. This allows them to able to release, and give assistance with integration. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Healing (Spiritual)
Retail - £15
Ray 7, Solstice Transmutation, Crystal White Fire, I AM Wholeness, I AM Wisdom. Description: This combination essence will assist with any spiritual healing. It will also assist with a spiritual healing crisis, and psychic wounding. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Clearing Negative Energy
Retail - £15
Crystal White Fire, Solstice Transmutation, I AM Yew (leaf), Shekinah, Ray 7. Description: This combination essence is a powerful support for clearing negative energies. It brings in the energies of the blue fire from the Monad and Fall Proof "Michael" Consciousness, as well as the immutable/ eternal violet flame of transmutation, the Divine Feminine, and a very powerful cleanser of negative energies from the oldest tree in the world, the Yew tree in Scotland. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
I AM Co Creation, Shekinah, Divine Home and Fire Elemental, Ray 2. Description: This combination essence assists with sexuality issues. It assists you in dealing with family programming and transmutation. It will also assist with the balancing of the male and female energies, as well as spiritual-sexual balance. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Shekinah, Holy thorn, Divine Home. Description: This combination essence is good for confidence and finding your true inner centre. It will also help with the release of family and genetic programming and assist in grounding. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Divine Mind, Solstice Transmutation and Air Elemental, Ray 3. Description: This very powerful combination essence will assist with negative beliefs, sabotage programming and alignment back to the Higher Mind. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Divine Mind, Air Elemental and Illumination, Ray 3. Description: This combination essence is good for embodiment, centring and grounding. It also assists with the alignment of the Higher and lower Chakras. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Manifestation, Earth Elemental & Holy Thorn and Ray 1. Description: This essence is a strong combination for grounding and embodiment. It also assists with access to your primal energies. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Elohim, Rainbow Crystal Skull, I Am Solar, Ray 11 and 12. Description: This combination essence is for the release of scarring in the DNA and with the cellular embodiment of the 'Christ Consciousness’. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Genetic Stress
Retail - £15
I AM Divine, Holy Thorn, Shekinah & Rainbow Crystal Skull, I AM Yew Bark. Description: This combination essence is good for all and any genetic stresses working on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Rainbow Crystal Skull, I Am Yew (bark), I Am Yew (leaf), Ray 11 & 12. Description: This combination essence is for the activation of your Divine Blueprint. It assists with the release of scarring and distortion in the Blueprint. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
I AM Co-creation, Shekinah, Mother of Pearl, I AM Magdalene, Ray 2. Description: This combination essence opens up access to your right hemisphere and co-creational energies. It helps to ground your creativity into a grounded form. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Rainbow Forest, I AM Red Cedar Bark and I AM Yew (Leaf). Description: This combination essence is excellent for electromagnetic radiation. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
I AM Activation
Retail - £15
Elohim, I AM Gateway, I AM Trinity, I AM Solar. Description: This combination essence brings in your access to your I Am Gateway and assists in releasing blockages to this access. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Karmic Resolution
Retail - £15
I AM New Time, I AM Harmonic Convergence, Venus Transit, Ray 8. Description: This combination essence brings in an opening to the Law of Grace. It gives you access into your Higher learnings so that old patterning linked with the karmic wheel has an opportunity for quick resolution. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Divine Feminine
Retail - £15
I AM Mother, I AM Magdalene I AM Mother of Pearl, Ray 12. Description: This combination essence assists in releasing mother issues. It helps to heal the wounds of the feminine so that your alignment to the Divine is able to be accessed. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Spiritual Gift Activation
Retail - £15
Illumination, Shekinah, New Holy Thorn, I AM Remembrance. Description: This combination essence assists in the opening and alignment to your spiritual gifts. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
I AM Shadow
Retail - £15
I AM Void, Solstice Transmutation, Ray 8. Description: This combination essence assists in processing, acknowledging and liberating your shadow. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
I AM Forgiveness
Retail - £15
I AM Forgiveness and the 9th Ray. Description: This is an extremely powerful combination essence to assist with release of all emotions blocking forgiveness. To Purchase Email - [email protected] |
I AM Oneness
Retail - £15
Oneness and I AM Wholeness. Description: This combination essence was made with the energies that opened up in 11/11/11, alchemically through rosophia and azeztulite crystal vibrations. It is extremely powerful for all spiritual separation issues and brings together the fragmented aspects of self. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
I AM Manifestation
Retail - £15
Manifestation, the 1st ray and Earth Elemental. Description: This is a powerful combination essence for addressing all manifestation blockages. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
I AM Release (Anger)
Retail - £15
Sekhmet, Transmutation, Ray 7. Description: This combination essence has been made up of the new Egyptian essence which was made from the energies of the sacred site of Sekhmet; the Goddess that assists with the processing of anger, and has been blended with 7th ray of transmutation and solstice transmutation. It really supports the release of anger and ego, and access into rebirth into the I AM. Note - This is not the same as the New 'Anger Release' essence. Each may need to be used at different times (if both are needed). I have found this. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |
Retail - £15
Solstice transmutation, Crystal White Fire, Fire Element, Ray 7. Description: This is an extremely strong combination essence of 3 different transmutational fires. It assists with transmutation for when you are stuck in life or have stuck energies. To Purchase: Email - [email protected] |